You can tell Photos to delete the original automatically, by selecting the ‘Delete after import’ checkbox. Whenever you import a photo, you may want to delete the original from your iPhone, particularly if your iPhone is running low on memory. If Photo’s ‘Import’ screen doesn’t open automatically, then you’ll need to click the ‘Import’ tab. Once you’ve made this connection, your Mac’s ‘Photos’ app should launch automatically and take you straight to the ‘Import’ page where you’ll see all the photos and videos that are currently stored on your iPhone’s camera roll.
Sometimes the old methods are the best, so the first technique we’re going to look at it simply attaching your iPhone to your Mac using a USB cable. Note, although this article focuses on transferring photos from an iPhone, most of these techniques can also be applied to the iPad, so if you’ve been known to snap the occasional photo on your tablet, then these techniques will work for you, too.
In this article, I’m, going to be sharing a list of techniques and tools that can take the pain out of moving photos from your iPhone to your Mac – no matter how many photos you’re working with. For many Apple fans, your Mac is the obvious choice, but transferring photos to your Mac can often feel like one of those irritating tasks that’s all too easy to keep putting off. If you enjoy taking photos with your iPhone, then sooner or later you’re going to have to spend some time sorting through all those photos – deleting the ones you’re not keen on, and transferring the ones you do want to keep, to a device that has a larger memory than your typical smartphone. The downside is that your typical smartphone has a pretty limited internal memory, and letting your camera roll spiral out of control is a surefire way to burn through that memory at an alarming rate. It’s no surprise then, that we’re all taking more photos than ever before.
If you own an iPhone, then you pretty much have digital camera-worthy software and hardware within arm’s reach, all day, everyday. Smartphone cameras have come a long way in recent years, to the point where digital camera sales have dropped off dramatically – and iPhones are no different.